Clarification Quarantine/Work/Coverage by SVb

Clarification Quarantine/Work/Coverage by SVb

As of September 10th the guidelines for work and coverage by SVb for those who are mandated into quarantine have been further updated.
Summarized, it is now stated by DVG that for those who have been in 'close contact' with a positive tested person, the following applies:

Official DVG document on Management of COVID-19 cases:


Official DVG document on Protocol home isolation of a person with covid-19 Aruba:

Protocol home isolation of a person with covid-19 Aruba v 13 aug 2020.pdf

Official DVG document on Criteria for releasing covid-19 patients from isolation:

Criteria for releasing covid-19 patients from isolation 12 aug 2020.pdf

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to or