Bij- en Nascholing in Suriname

Medwork heeft een samenwerkingsverband met Stichting Bedrijfsgezondheidszorg Suriname en Naskho Curaçao voor de verzorging van relevante cursussen in onze regio. 

Onze verzekeringsarts, Manaaf Badloe is een van de docenten tijdens de Bij-en nascholing voor bedrijfsartsen en verzekeringsartsen die plaatsvindt van 12 t/m 15 november te Paramaribo in Suriname. 

Het Accreditatie Bureau Sociale geneeskunde  heeft deze nascholing voor 24 punten geaccrediteerd.

Obtaining a Doctor's Note (Carta di AO)

Medwork, HAVA and SVB would like to inform the community about the process of acquiring a doctor’s note or ‘carta di AO’. It is not possible to acquire a doctor’s note/‘carta di AO’/doktersbrief through your general practitioner (huisarts). This is only possible through SVB or Medwork.

COVID-19 call-in protocol

COVID CALL-IN PROTOCOL: Last update: September 2021. Please click READ MORE for more information!

COVID-19 Medwork Call-in Protocol & Shelter in place instructions

MEDWORK COVID-19 CALL-INN PROTOCOL & SHELTER IN PLACE INSTRUCTIONS: We take the health and protection of our own employees as well as the employees of our clients very serious, and thus will not be conducting ANY physical consults at this time. All consults will be done by phone by a company doctor. This precautionary measure is effective immediately and will be in effect until further notice. Click Read More to see the adjusted protocol.

Medwork Groep voert de verzuimcontrole op de BES-eilanden uit

Medwork Caribbean N.V. (Aruba) en Corporate Health Solutions B.V. (Bonaire, Caribisch Nederland) hebben onlangs de ziektecontrole op de BES-eilanden, Bonaire, Saba en Sint Eustatius op zich genomen.

Explanation of a Court Ruling May 24, 2017

Newsletter No. 2 Explanation of a Court Ruling Made in Summary Proceedings of May 24, 2017, concerning the Immediate Dismissal of an Employee.

ATIA/Medwork Seminar at the University of Aruba (April 8th, 2017)

Another succesfull gathering of Human Resource Managers and Business Owners on saturday the 8th of April, where once again, the Aruba Trade & Industry Association (ATIA) in collaboration with Medwork organized the highly appreciated annual People Management Seminar.